Start Planning Today.

How often have we experienced the sudden death of someone we love?

Making a will/estate plan is one of the most caring things that you can do for your loved ones.

Any information in this document does NOT constitute legal advice

Start Planning Today.

How often have we experienced the sudden death of someone we love?

Making a will/estate plan is one of the most caring things that you can do for your loved ones.

Who is it for?

Everyone over the age of 18 should have a will. It is the rulebook for the distribution of your assets, and it could prevent havoc among your heirs.

Getting your estate in order will ease your family’s stress when you pass on. You’ll need an up to date will, a social media will and a safe place to keep your passwords.

Your will is a legal document with details on how your assets will be distributed and you’re beneficiaries provided for.

Ask yourself?

Many of us do not have a great deal of money. And so, some people may think: is it really necessary to spend all this time and trouble getting my affairs in order?

There are, however, better questions to ask such as:


Do I want to save family members hours and hours trying to figure out where things are?


Do I want to make sure that what little money I have goes to the right people?


Do I want to avoid lengthy delays in the winding up of my estate?


Do I want to avoid placing further stress on those left behind at this emotional time?

If you answered “YES” to most of those questions, that’s reason enough for getting your affairs in order.

Peace of mind.

Once you have completed the Peace-of Mind-List , you can have confidence that:

*If you don’t like doing this meticulous task, I’ll do it together with you.
The first session is free.

Getting Started.

Like most people you are probably reasonably well organized, if not perfect. The trouble is that, when you are no longer around, what may be obvious to you – like always keeping the back door key in the red tin on the kitchen shelf – will not be easy for others to guess.

The first step on this journey is to create this Peace-of-Mind-List in preparation of drawing up your will / estate plan.

And once you have completed the exercise, it may surprise you how much you have uncluttered your life.

You will have gained greater peace of mind for the rest of your life.